Important guideline for Vitafit APP Account Deletion

Contact Us



Mobile :86-138-2523-7318
2/F, Bldg10, 1st Industrial Zone,Changzhen Community,

Gongming town Guangming District 


To protect the security of your account and related permissions, please understand the following matters or conditions, including but not limited to:


Once an account is deleted, all data on the account and devices bound to the account will be cleared, and you will no longer be able to use the account or access information related to it.

Once the account is deleted, it cannot be restored.


You can delete your account by performing the following operations in the Vitafit App


1. Click on the upper right corner of the My Account.

2. Click Delete Account.

3. On the account deletion details , click Delete account.

4. Click Confirm.


Account deletion will be effective immediately.

TEL +86 0755-27175093
Mobile +86-138-2523-7318